Yesterday I have written my plan of setting up a Lab at home to get familiar with the Cisco ISE and ASA (I heard that is going to be in CCIE security test…). Today I have some screen shot and have proved that the basic stuff works.
First of all, follow the links I posted yesterday for the ASA 8.4(2) run on GNS3 first. The next step is to setup a topology in GNS3. I haven’t completed the full lab, but this is what I have done today.
C1 is the host computer running ADSM GUI to configure the ASA.
C2 is the Virtual Machine running Cisco ISE NFR 1.1.1.
I setup an Inside interface with ip address in the same subnet as the ISE.
ASA Inside :
I have done some ping test to make sure the connectivity are good. Then I add the ASA in the network device list on the ISE.
The next step is add the AAA server in the ASA. Once this step is completed, I used a “test” username and password to test the radius authentication with ISE from the ASA.
As I haven’t setup anything on the ISE, I have expected the authentication will be failed. Now we can check the log on the ISE to see if it has captured the fail login.
I am happy to the result today. I am going to build a remote VPN lab by using ISE when I have time again. Enjoy!