Monthly Archives: May 2011

Narbik’s CCIE Bootcamp

I attended the Narkib’s CCIE bootcamp last week. It was a very good CCIE bootcamp. There were a few topics that I wasn’t familiar with and always think they are very difficult. The good thing in Narbik’s bootcamp is that Narbik has made those topics a lot easier to understand. He introduced a new method to look at those topics.

Narbik’s has helped me a lot on preparing the CCIE Lab exam. However, I feel that I still need a lot of extra work before I can pass the CCIE exam.

If anyone who is looking for CCIE training, Narbik’s CCIE bootcamp is what I will recommend.

For more informatin, you may go to

Is Online Shopping Secure?? was hacked!!

I was browsing the leading Chinese web site in Australia the other day and accidentally found that its shopping section got HACKED!! Wai wai online web site has been established in Sydney for a long time. It makes me think why this would happened on a online shopping web site. 

I didn’t know when this got hacked, but from the minutes I found that their shopping site was hacked until they fix the site took 2 days. What can a hacker do in 2 days? I personally haven’t purchased anything from their web site. I hope people who did business with them before didn’t lost any personal details. i.e. credit cards details, name and address, etc. because all those confidiential information can lead to idenity thief.

So far after the hacking incident, I didn’t see any annocement from Wai Wai web site about this incident. I think their users should be aware of what have happened on their web site.

I hope the wai wai web site users are aware of this incident and to change your password, and keep an eye on your bank statement/ credit card statement.

It is just like another Sony Play Station sercuity problem, but this is much smaller and only affect local Chinese people in Sydney (or other states in Australia) I believe… (as is targeted Chinese in Sydney) .

The Heritage Court Restaurant in Hurstville 潮樓


The Heritage Court Restaurant is located on 33-35 Dora Street, Hurstville. It is right opposite to the Hurstville library.

I went there have dinner with Justin (but I was on another table 🙂 ). A set meal came with a whole fish, soup, chips, drink and desert. Food are good, if you are sick of Chinese Food in St. George Area (especially Hurstville). The Heritage Court is another option for your dinner 🙂

booking hotline : 02 9570 2178

IPV6 – Are you ready?

Looking at the statistic, IPv4 will be exhausted in this year. I think it is time to get ready for IPv6. Unfortunately, look like none of the ISP in Australia are providing IPv6 addresses to their customers.

At least, as far as I know TPG, Exetel, Optus and Telstra, etc are not providing IPv6 as yet. However, Google has already laughed their IPv6 web site. Can you try connecting to ? if you see something, congarduation! Your computer can access IPv6 website and your ISP has a DNS resolver that can point your to a ipv6 website.

Oh…. not sure what I am talking about??? Point your web browser to or both site will test your ipv6 and ipv4 connectivity. It should give you some idea of what I am talking about.

In order to test out the IPv6 connectivity, I have built a IPv6 tunnel to . HE has assigned me a /64 and /48 IPv6 public address. I have that setup on my router, every computer in my home is now IPv6 ready. There are more than enough ip addresses in a /48, so I routed some of them to my web server in the data center.

here are the sample configuration.

Configuration on my cisco router:

interface Tunnel2
 description IPV6 tunnel to webserver
 no ip address
 ipv6 address 2001:470:ECEE:2::2/64
 tunnel source YY.YY.YY.YY
 tunnel destination XX.XX.XX.XX
 tunnel mode ipv6ip

Configuration on my web server (debian linux)

ip tunnel add ipv6tunnel mode sit remote YY.YY.YY.YY
ip link set ipv6tunnel up
ip addr add 2001:470:ECEE:2::1/64 dev ipv6tunnel
ip route add 0::0/0 dev ipv6tunnel
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding

in my cisco router, there is another tunnel for me to connect to for the ipv6 connecitivity.

interface Tunnel0
 description Hurricane Electric IPv6 Tunnel Broker
 no ip address
 ipv6 address 2001:470:35:4D::2/64
 ipv6 enable
 tunnel source YY.YY.YY.YY
 tunnel destination
 tunnel mode ipv6ip

a default route for ipv6 need to be added on the router as well
ipv6 route ::/0 Tunnel0

After all the setting, it will be time to do some test. First, try

in the debain server, which I got a host not found message. It was because I don’t have a IPv6 DNS setup. To get this fix, I did the following:
vi /etc/resolv.conf

adding the DNS resolver address

After setting the DNS server, do the ping6 again, it should work now.  After setting IPv6 for the web server, I also want all my computes at home obtain an IPv6 ip address automantically and also receivce the ipv6 DNS automantically. here are the CLI command to configurate a IPv6 DHCP pool:
ipv6 dhcp pool datalan
 address prefix 2001:470:ECEE::/64
 dns-server 2001:470:20::2

After rebooting a PC, it automantically recevice the IPv6 address and able to pass all the test on

My next project will be setting up a PPTP ipv6 VPN, so I can access IPv6 website while I am on a IPv4 endpoint via the PPTP tunnel. I will post the configuration up if I am able to make this work.