Tag Archives: ASA

ISE + ASA Home Lab Part 1

Yesterday I have written my plan of setting up a Lab at home to get familiar with the Cisco ISE and ASA (I heard that is going to be in CCIE security test…). Today I have some screen shot and have proved that the basic stuff works.

First of all, follow the links I posted yesterday for the ASA 8.4(2) run on GNS3 first. The next step is to setup a topology in GNS3. I haven’t completed the full lab, but this is what I have done today.

GNS Setup

C1 is the host computer running ADSM GUI to configure the ASA.

C2 is the Virtual Machine running Cisco ISE NFR 1.1.1.

C2 setting map to VMnet1

I setup an Inside interface with ip address in the same subnet as the ISE.

ASA Inside :

I have done some ping test to make sure the connectivity are good. Then I add the ASA in the network device list on the ISE.

adding GNS3-ASA to ISE

The next step is add the AAA server in the ASA. Once this step is completed, I used a “test” username and password to test the radius authentication with ISE from the ASA.

test radius connection with ISE

As I haven’t setup anything on the ISE, I have expected the authentication will be failed. Now we can check the log on the ISE to see if it has captured the fail login.

The fail login was logged

I am happy to the result today. I am going to build a remote VPN lab by using ISE when I have time again. Enjoy!